An essential guide to navigating the cafeteria, eating the right foods at the right time and how to make the most out of your 4-day cheerleading camp experience
Cheer camp is an unforgettable experience. It's filled with countless hours spent perfecting stunts, choreographing routines and team bonding. In order to stay to stay fueled and energized, make the most out of your 4-day stay by following these nutrition tips:
Everyone knows breakfast is the most important meal of the day but how do you eat enough to be fueled and energized for a full day of dance classes, stunts and baskets without feeling too full and uncomfortable?
Tip #1: Think functional foods that will work with your body and help to provide the nutrients it needs. It is important to eat the right amount of food with enough time to digest before working up a sweat. A 200- to 250-calorie breakfast with 30-50 grams of carbohydrates will let you work out harder and burn more calories.
Tip #2: Stay away from sugary cereals, refined carbs or fatty bacon. These foods will cause a sugar crash and sluggish feeling because your body will use energy to metabolize these hard to digest foods. Save your energy for your stunts!
Breakfast Suggestions:
- 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on whole wheat toast and 1 piece of fruit - This combination will boost blood-sugar levels and stop hunger pangs. Natural peanut butter supplies heart-healthy fat with no added sugar.
- Fat-free plain yogurt (about 6 oz.) mixed with 1/2 cup blueberries - The natural sugars in the yogurt and blueberries give your muscles a speedy energy source. The blueberries are also antioxidant powerhouses!
- 1/2 to 1 cup of oatmeal or whole grain cereal and handful of fruit - Fruit contains glucose which will provide a fast burst of energy. Oatmeal or whole grain cereal will provide glycogen which improves your stamina and keeps you feeling full, but not stuffed.
It's just a few hours past your early-morning breakfast and you are still a while away from lunch - but you are beginning to feel your energy take a nosedive. It is definitely time for a snack, but how do you grab a healthy snack on the go?
Tip #1: Plan ahead of time. Bring some healthy snacks from home, or grab some extra fruit or cereal from the cafeteria at breakfast.
Tip #2: Don't wait too long until snacking. Eating small meals throughout the day will stimulate your metabolism, keeping you energized and ready to go!
Snack Suggestions:
- Pre-cut fruit or vegetables
- Nutrition bar (you want to go with a bar that offers more fiber, less sugar and has an adequate amount of protein)
- Light string cheese
- Rice cake with peanut butter
It's lunchtime! Time to relax a bit and recharge as you get some food with your teammates, however, the cafeteria can be a daunting place. How do you pick the right foods when there are so many options?
Tip #1: Make sure your eyes aren't bigger than your stomach. Try grabbing a smaller plate instead of a large tray. Filling a smaller plate will ensure you are still full and energized, without overindulging. Don't forget you still have the fight song prep, pep rally review and open practice later in the day.
Tip #2: Stick with foods you know. The cafeteria has so many choices, but it might not be the best time to try something completely new. You don't want to be at stunt coaching and discover your body doesn't react well to something new you ate!
Lunch Suggestions:
- Salads and lean protein - Salads are always a healthy option, but beware of the salad bar trap: creamy dressings, cheeses, croutons, bacon bits, and pasta salads add up the calories and the fat.
- Turkey sandwich or wrap with a piece of fruit - A lean turkey or chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread with mustard gives you energy-boosting carbs, plus boosting protein you need for a good snack.
The day is winding down and you are tire, hungry and your body is physically exhausted. You keep on track and eat a healthy dinner, but the unlimited ice-cream machines and tables of cakes are calling your name. How do you keep a healthy diet with so many temptations?
Tip #1: Rethink dessert. Sometimes we all need something sweet to finish off our meal, but that doesn't mean you need to go crazy. Satisfy your sweet tooth without the bulge and swap the sweets for fruits and natural sugars.
Tip #2: Beware of fried and oily foods. Oils and fats make athletes lethargic, which can cause a lack of concentration and also leaves an uncomfortably full feeling in the stomach. Remember you still have electives, open practice, stunt classes and jump workshops after dinner!
Dinner Suggestions:
- Grilled chicken with brown rice and spinach - Half the plate should be filled with vegetables, a quarter should be lean protein and the other quarter should be high-fiber complex carbohydrates such as a small baked potato, brown rice or whole-wheat couscous or pasta.
- Whole-grain pasta and vegetables - This healthy dinner option fills you up and fuels your body for the remainder of the day's activities.
After Dinner Snack
Whew! The day is over and after all that hard work, you're hungry again. Who can blame you? So now the question is what can you eat that won't sit heavy in your stomach all night?
Tip: Avoid late night snacks. It is ok to have a little something to satisfy those hungry cravings, but overeating before bed will cause your body to store all those calories as fat.
Snack Suggestions:
- Vegetables and hummus
- Greek yogurt
- Celery and peanut butter
- Plain popcorn
Make the most of your summer cheer camp experience! The quality of your nutrition will affect your performance, results and recovery. Remember, you are there to have fun, learn new skills and enjoy the memories, so fuel your body in order to be the best athlete you can be!
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Featured Contributor
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Danielle Wechsler (@cheerFITworkout) is a fitness enthusiast, who is highly energetic and extremely motivated. Through challenges and experience, Danielle has learned that with a positive attitude and pure determination, you can accomplish anything. Believing in the phrase "become your dream", Danielle least with the passion to motivate, and inspire others to get results while having fun. |